- May 21, 2012, 8:09 a.m. : Adding flash report 1 (12:19 p.m. adjusted white balance)
- May 21, 2012, 10:34 a.m. : Adding flash report 2
- May 21, 2012, 10:34 a.m. : Adding flash report 3
- May 25, 2012 : Adding flash report 4
- May 25, 2012 : Adding flash report 5

Shooting Location : National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Mitaka Campus (the headquaters))
Large size

Shooting location : Around Matsumoto Airport
Telescope : BORG125ED, Focal length : f = 1600 mm (× 2 tele-conversion-lens used), Camera : Nikon D3s, Neutral density filter : ND D5,
Taken by : Hideo Fukushima, Hidekazu Hanayama
Large size

Shooting location : Around Matsumoto Airport
Telescope : BORG125SD, Focal length : f = 3200 mm (enlargement projection method), Camera : Nikon D3s, Neutral density filter : N/A,
Taken by : Hideo Fukushima, Hidekazu Hanayama
Large size

Shooting location : Around the Matsumoto Airport
14 ~ 24 mm zoom lens (f = 15 mm), Camera : Nikon D7000, Neutral density filter : ND D5,
Taken by : Hideo Fukushima, Hidekazu Hanayama
Large size

Shooting location : Around the Matsumoto Airport
14 ~ 24 mm zoom lens (f = 15 mm), Camera : Nikon D7000, Neutral density filter : ND D5,
Taken by : Hideo Fukushima, Hidekazu Hanayama
Large size
For Media
The works of NAOJ are able to use without the prior consent if the purpose is the news report. At that time of using, please use these with no changes and state a credit (such as “offered : NAOJ”). For more detail information, please look at Use of the Contents.