What Solar Eclipse
The mechanism of Annular Solar Eclipse
The mechanism of Annular Solar Eclipse
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"Solar Eclipse" is the astronomical event that the Sun is hidden partially or totally by the Moon when it crosses in front of the Sun.
When the Sun is totally hidden, it is called “Total Solar Eclipse”.
Also, it is called “Annular Solar Eclipse” that the apparent size of the Sun is larger than the Moon, and the Sun can be seen surrounding the Moon. This time, the “Annular Eclipse” can be observed in some parts of Japan.
When the Sun is hidden by the Moon partially, the phenomenon is called “Partial Solar Eclipse”.
The image shows the mechanism of the annular solar eclipse from the view of outside the Earth. Relatively, when solar eclipse is happened while the Sun is near to and the Moon is far from the Earth, the Moon shadow by the Sun would not reach the surface of the Earth. In this case, at the point on the extension of the Moon's shadow, only the edge light of the Sun reaches then the annular solar eclipse would be occurred and the partial solar eclipse would be seen around the point.
It is depended on the area how much the Sun would be hidden, also the time of the solar eclipse starts, max, and the end would be difference.
Schedule of Solar Eclipse (Central Eclipse) in Japan
The next central eclipse (annular solar eclipse, total solar eclipse) will be happened on June 1, 2030, that is annular eclipse. It will be observed at the most part of Hokkaido.
Also, the next chance to observe total solar eclipse will be on September 2, 2035 in part of Chubu, north of Kanto, and so on.
The whole appearance of these solar eclipse is possible to find out in the Local Prediction of the Solar Eclipse (Ephemeris Computation Office) with choosing “June 1, 2030, Annular Solar Eclipse” or “September 2, 2035, Total Solar Eclipse” and go “General Circumstances”. In addition, it is possible to find out the detail area (Central Phase) when you go “Central Phase”. Please use this system.
Moreover, in the chart below, it shows the data of the solar eclipse that the Central Phase of the solar eclipse will go (went) over the Japan in these days.
Date | Type of eclipse | Seen Area |
Sept. 23, 1987 | Annular | Okinawa, etc. |
July 22, 2009 | Total | Tokara, Yaku Island, part of Tanegashima and Amami-Oshima |
May 21, 2012 | Annular | South of Kyushuu, most of Shikoku from Kii to around Kanto |
June 1, 2030 | Annular | Most of Hokkaido |
Sept. 2, 2035 | Total | Part of Chubu and Kanto |